Monochrome Tuition in Scotland

My main love. Monochrome, black & white photography or what ever you are most comfortable calling it.

I tend to use the term monochrome tuition but there really should be nothing mono about it, true mono images should have a range of tones going from the deepest blacks through the richest velvets onto luxurious shades of grey and topping it all off with the most delicate hints of white.

More commonly when you shoot an image and convert to black and white it is very flat with no rich tones and none of that sparkle you expected it would have or have seen from all those images on searched on the web.

There are various reasons for this and i go through them on the monochrome tuition workshop.
This workshop is aimed at those already familiar with a camera and how it operates but i can adapt for someone who is new to photography but feels that insatiable urge to shoot in mono.

The main points covered

  1. Shooting with monochrome in mind
  2. What works best in mono
  3. Previsualization
  4. Dodging and burning (dependant on your software but i will have my laptop so can demonstrate)
  5. The zone system
  6. Types of software used
  7. How to use grad filters to enhance your monochrome images.

What you might need for this course.

  • All weather clothing,
  • laptop which has Lightroom or Photoshop installed.
  • Silver Efex Pro part of the Nik collection installed on the laptop. I use this myself but we can create quality monochrome images without it.
  • Your camera
  • Charged batteries
  • A tripod (dependant on where the tuition is)
  • Camera grad filters if you have them already.

Prior to coming on the course i would like to see a few of your images to gauge where you are on your monochrome journey

Stunning Paisley Mill. Monochrome tuition. Black and white image tuition, Scotland

The old mill in Paisley.

Simple composition. Monochrome Tuition

Simple composition. Monochrome Tuition

Stunning spider chrysanthemum flower. Beautiful fine art image of a flower for wall art.

Stunning spider chrysanthemum flower. Beautiful fine art image of a flower for wall art.

Some of my monochrome images are viewable here. John Farnan Photography